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Stephan Huis in het Veld


Portrait of Stephan
Stephan Huis in het Veld is a member of the Finance and Restructuring department at the Amsterdam office. He specialises in general banking, leveraged finance and restructuring transactions, which often includes complex and multi-faceted cross-border matters. His recent work involves acting for domestic and international private equity sponsors, portfolio companies, lenders and large corporate clients.
En savoir plus

In addition to his corporate finance experience, Stephan also worked in the field of corporate law and commercial litigation representing large corporate clients as counsel in Dutch court proceedings.

Stephan obtained a master's degree in criminal and private law (cum laude) from the University of Tilburg and corporate law (with honours) from the University of Amsterdam. After working at another international law firm, Stephan joined NautaDutilh in the beginning of 2017.

Stephan joined the NautaDutilh London office in 2019/2020. In 2023/2024, Stephan was seconded to the US finance and restructuring team of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York.

  • What others say

    'Worked closely with Stephan Huis in het Veld, who delivered under significant pressure to get our project over the line in time'

    Chambers Europe 2023

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