Thijs van Aerde

Thijs specialises in intellectual property law, with a focus on copyright and trademark rights. His clients include collecting societies and companies in various sectors, including entertainment, perfume & cosmetics, consumer electronics, pharmaceuticals, and mobility. Thijs is president of the specialisation association VIEPA, editor of the journal Copyright and a member of the international Programme Committee of AIPPI. He is ranked in The Legal 500 (Leading Partner), Chambers, IAM Patent and WTR.
Work highlights
- Pictoright v. Meta (2024): plaintiff's merits proceedings re the mandatory license under article 17 of the Digital Single Market Directive for copyrighted material on Facebook and Instagram
- BumaStemra v. Disney (2024): defence proceedings against Disney's exhibition claim for licensing contracts between BumaStemra and other streaming providers (eg Netflix, Apple)
- BumaStemra v. ABMD (2024): plaintiff's cassation proceedings before the Dutch Supreme Court re alleged abuse of dominance
- Amnesty International v. State (2021, 2023): plaintiff's class action in first instance and on appeal against the State re ethnic profiling by the Dutch Royal Military Police
- Notino Benelux v. Silk Cosmetics (2020, 2021): defence proceedings in first instance and on appeal re the application of the evidence rule on exhaustion of trademark rights from CJEU Van Doren/Lifestyle
What others say
- 'Thijs van Aerde is excellent in translating our arguments to the Supreme Court.'
The Legal 500, 2024 - 'Exceptionally well-organised, non-intrusive and supportive, with flexible communication times and channels.'
The Legal 500, 2024 - 'Extremely knowledgeable in the areas of law needed. Innovative and creative, thinking both legally legally and commercially.'
The Legal 500, 2024 - 'Thijs van Aerde has a notable reputation for handling soft IP matters before the Dutch Supreme Court. He advises clients on trade mark disputes, trade name litigation and contentious copyright proceedings.'
Chambers 2024
- 'Thijs van Aerde is excellent in translating our arguments to the Supreme Court.'
Thijs graduated from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and was admitted to the bar in 2007. Thijs is also admitted to the Supreme Court bar.
Languages: Dutch, English, German (passive), French (passive)
- Collectieve acties in het auteursrecht, ATR 2024/3, 29-8-2024
- Te laat! Over verjaring en rechtsverwerking in het merkenrecht, BMM 2023/2, 20-12-2023
- Transformatie van stoffelijke objecten onderworpen aan intellectuele-eigendomsrechten, IER 2022/11, 25-3-2022
- Richtsnoeren betreffende platformaansprakelijkheid: een goedbedoelde maar vergeefse poging houvast te bieden bij de toepassing van artikel 17 DSM-richtlijn, ATR 2021/5, 7-9-2021
- Platformaansprakelijkheid: de saga gaat verder, ATR 2021/2, 7-9-2021