By publishing an annual CSR report, we aim to increase transparency and accountability with respect to our policies, goals and actions in the fields of CSR and sustainability.
"In 2021, our efforts to become a more sustainable law firm gained traction. Our multidisciplinary Sustainable Business & Climate Change team expanded significantly and we worked with our clients on exciting ESG related projects. We took steps to make our operations more sustainable – most notably by measuring our carbon footprint across all offices – and streamlined our CSR strategy and operations. I am especially proud that we launched our Impact Programme. Everyone at NautaDutilh now has four days each year to spend on pro bono work or community service. Together, we can accelerate and amplify the positive impact we can have in the communities we work and live in", says managing partner Petra Zijp.
You can read the report here.
About our CSR policy
Our CSR policy is based on four pillars: Our clients, Our people, Our operations and Our Impact Programme. Under these pillars, we use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide our actions and behaviour, focusing on four areas in which we believe we can make the greatest impact: Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Climate Action (SDG 13), and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).
About our CSR report
The purpose of our CSR report is to provide an overview of our commitment to corporate social responsibility and what we are doing to be a responsible corporate citizen. We describe our commitments and the initiatives we are taking, in terms of our clients, our people, our operations, and through our Impact Programme, in our society and our community, to create a better and fairer world. Throughout the report, colleagues from across all offices share more about their practices, drives and ambitions in the fields of CSR and sustainable business.
We welcome dialogue with you regarding our CSR performance. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our CSR Specialist Shirley Justice.