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Deal or Case news
NautaDutilh assisted Rabobank in their first Green Covered Bond issuance under its Dutch law covered bond programme. On 22 November 2023, Rabobank issued EUR 1,250,000,000 Green Covered Bonds.

The Green Covered Bonds were issued based on Rabobank's Sustainable Funding Framework (dated May 2023) which is aligned with the 2021 ICMA Green Bond Principles. The proceeds of the issuance will be used to finance and/or refinance a portfolio of green buildings that meet the requirements of Rabobank's Sustainable Funding Framework and its eligibility criteria.

"We are very pleased to have been involved in Rabobank's successful first issue of Green Covered Bonds and to actively contribute to the achievement of Rabobank's environmental goals", says partner Arjan Scheltema, who worked on this matter together with Sascha van Gerrevink.

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