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Corporate news
01.04.2020 5 min lire
We are pleased to announce the appointment of five new partners as of 1st April. These appointments further strengthen several of our practice groups including Taxation, Dispute Resolution and Financial Law.

NautaDutilh is committed to increasing the percentage of female partners within the firm. The appointment of three new female partners brings us a step closer to achieving our goal of gender parity. 

The new partners - all at our Amsterdam office - are: 

We look forward to working with this new generation of partners and further building their practices together
Managing partner Petra Zijp

Managing Partner Petra Zijp, commenting on the appointments: "We are extremely proud of these talented lawyers. They have all been with us for quite some time, in certain cases since the start of their careers as interns, and have demonstrated that they are prepared to go above and beyond to serve our clients. Their legal acumen is complemented by an awareness of social issues, a combination our firm stands for. We look forward to working with this new generation of partners and further building their practices together.

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