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Corporate news
2 April 2020, Amsterdam – Today, NautaDutilh is launching an initiative to provide accessible legal support, on a pro bono basis, to small businesses and independent contractors with legal questions related to COVID-19.

A specially established team will provide guidance on questions related for example to state aid measures and ongoing contractual obligations. Small business owners and self-employed persons can submit questions via a form on the website and will be contacted by a NautaDutilh lawyer as soon as possible (in any case the next working day) to discuss options during a brief telephone conversation. 

We know that many small business owners have legal questions, but they may not know who to turn to for advice and have many other things to worry about.
Managing partner Petra Zijp

Managing partner Petra Zijp on the initiative: 

"We know that many small business owners have legal questions, but they may not know who to turn to for advice and have many other things to worry about. At the same time, we see that our lawyers wish to use their expertise to help others. This is how this initiative came about." 

How does it work?

  • Small businesses and independent contractors in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg can submit questions using a form found on our website.
  • They will be called back as soon as possible (in any case the next working day) for a short conversation to discuss their questions and possible options.
  • The goal is to familiarise small business owners and independent contractors with their options and help them determine the next steps to take. 

This initiative is exclusively for small businesses and self-employed persons. Current clients of NautaDutilh can contact their trusted advisors with any questions they might have. For more information on the coronavirus crisis including the latest legal developments, please visit the COVID-19 section on our website.

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