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NautaDutilh contributes to the new edition of the Thomson Reuters Q&A Guide 'Doing business in Luxembourg'.

This Q&A gives an overview of key recent developments affecting doing business in Luxembourg as well as an introduction to the legal system; foreign investment, including restrictions, currency regulations and incentives; and business vehicles and their relevant restrictions and liabilities. The article also summarises the laws regulating employment relationships, including redundancies and mass layoffs, and provides short overviews on competition law; data protection; and product liability and safety. In addition, there are comprehensive summaries on taxation and tax residency; and intellectual property rights over patents, trade marks, registered and unregistered designs.

Discover "Doing Business in Luxembourg" by our experts Margaretha Wilkenhuysen, Jean-Marc Groelly and Vincent Wellens. 

This article forms part of a global guide to doing business worldwide. For the complete guide and to compare answers across multiple jurisdictions, please click here.

Download the overview as a PDF here.

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