Reinier Dommerholt


Portrait of Reinier
Reinier Dommerholt, appointed as Counsel at NautaDutilh in April 2022, specialises in banking and finance law and is a member of NautaDutilh's Structured Finance team. He focuses on structured finance, including securitisation, covered bonds and other asset based transactions and capital markets transactions, both in the public and private markets, and encompasses various asset types and structures.
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He worked with and acted, among others, for Nationale-Nederlanden Bank N.V. and Achmea Bank N.V. on their conditional pass-through covered bond programme, for Rabobank on its covered bond programmes (the public and the retained programme) and for Triodos Bank on Sinopel 2019 (the first RMBS of Triodos). Also, he assisted new entrants and institutional investors to the Dutch mortgage market with innovative structures, such as the origination platforms of 'Dynamic Credit', 'Venn Hypotheken' and 'Iqwoon' and 'Robuust'. In addition, he worked for a year at NautaDutilh's London office, in which he got familiar with the Structured Finance market in London.

Reinier studied at the University of Amsterdam. He graduated in 2009 and joined NautaDutilh in April 2010. In 2014-2015 Reinier took part in the post-graduate specialisation programme 'Finance and Security Rights' of the Grotius Academy. He graduated with honours in 2015.

  • What others say
    • ‘‘Reinier Dommerholt: Great to work with and very intelligent. Committed, responsive and thinks along with us a great deal.’’
      The Legal 500 2024

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